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On March 4th. 2023, eighteen hobby bowlers came together in the Oliver inn in Wolfsgraben for our traditional bowling evening.

After an excellent refreshment, at 8 p.m. we headed towards the bowling alley for the sporting part of the evening, full of anticipation. The bowlers of the 3 teams were determined by drawing lots and the competition was held on three lanes. The pyramid game began, followed by the elimination game, where six bowlers went into the “STING” to determine the winners.

These are the bowling masters:

Sepia Alberto Place 1

Korecky Johannes Place 2

Hobrücker Christian Place 3


The beaming winners received certificates. The consolation prize of a bottle of sparkling wine went to Brigitta Sepia. Brigitta was very happy.

After the award ceremony, the tenth bowling championship ended with anticipation of the next bowling evening.

Many thanks to the “organizational team” Maria and Heinz!


Photos: JDOST©

Text: M.Korecky

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