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On January 18th, the first club evening of 2024 took place in our regular restaurant, Hotel Restaurant Panoramaschenke, where we were able to welcome a special guest. The general meeting was held at the same time.

Wolfgang Schöbel welcomes all participants and explains the agenda for the club evening. Right at the beginning of the cozy meeting we were able to welcome Robert Krickl, President of the ÖMVV. Robert Krickl gave us a very interesting overview of the activities of the Austrian Motor Veterans Association (umbrella association for historic vehicles). The highlights of the lecture were insights into the organization of the ÖMVV and FIVA including national and international lobbying, the initiatives ‘Startermotor’ and ‘Oldtimertage’ as well as examples of the FIVA ID card. Afterwards, Robert Krickl was available to answer questions.

In the second part of the evening, the JDOST general meeting was held, where the following important topics were discussed: the treasurer’s report with a detailed explanation of the club’s financial situation, the discharge of the treasurer and the board by the auditor, the changes to the statutes, a preview of the Activities planned for 2024 and the decision that membership fees will not be increased in 2025.

In part three there was information about Jaguar Land Rover and a reference to offers and news from the JDOST sponsors.

The last guests of the club evening left the restaurant well after 11 p.m. We are already looking forward to the next events, especially the event club evening of our WEST section on Thursday, January 25th, 2024 at the Jaguar Land Rover Austria premises in Salzburg.


Text: Andreas Icha
Photos: JDOST©

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